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- (c) 1998 Pumpkin Studios
- Eidos Interactive
- 19 October 1998
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Warzone 2100
- Multiplayer Options
- Pumpkin Studios Website
- Contact Us
- On-Line Tutorial
- Mouse Controls
- Mouse Look
- Hints & Tips
- Command Console
- Track Camera
- Keyboard Controls
- DX6
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- This demo is a snapshot in time of Warzone 2100. Warzone 2100 is
- currently under development and is being refined and improved
- daily. New features are being added, along with hundreds of new
- units. Instead of waiting until we finish the game, this demo gives
- you an opportunity to play Warzone 2100 using some of the early enemy
- units and structures from Campaign 1 - Western Sector.
- When the demo begins you have already established a base and are
- ready to begin exploring the surrounding terrain. At the end of your
- first mission, your transport arrives and lets you select an away
- team to scout out the next mission map. While on the away team
- map you can continue to manufacture new units, research artifacts,
- and design new vehicles. You can also call in reinforcements from
- your base by selecting the transport icon.
- At the end of this map, the demo ends. In the final Warzone 2100
- game the action continues on through more maps spanning another
- 2 campaigns, and 36 missions. Your base will carry on for many
- missions, and will be subject to attack from superior enemies. This
- system of ongoing missions and expanding mission maps is unique
- to Warzone 2100 and makes for a very exciting gaming experience.
- This demo pits you against Scavenger forces in the western desert.
- It lets you try out a few of the weapon systems in Warzone 2100
- and lets you experiment with various design combinations. The full
- version of Warzone 2100 includes many different weapon types
- and structures, and takes place in urban and mountainous terrain, as
- well as desert terrain. As the game progresses, you encounter
- more powerful enemies who are equipped with medium and heavy tanks.
- later in the game cyborgs, howitzers, strike aircraft, hovercraft
- and laser weapons appear. New challenges arise regularly as the
- game's narrative unfolds.
- Once you've experienced all three of Warzone 2100's campaigns,
- there's no going back to other action strategy games.
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- This current demo is single player only. A multiplayer demo will be
- available soon.
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- For more information on Warzone 2100 visit our website at
- http://www.pumpkin.co.uk
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- If you'd like to contact us you can mail us at
- demo@pumpkin.co.uk
- We're interested in your comments about this demo and whether
- you experienced any difficulties installing or playing it.
- We'd also like to know about any bugs you find! Send any bugs
- with a description of your systemÆs hardware and directX/Glide
- versions (if necessary).
- You should also state which version of the demo you have. This
- will be displayed on screen during play when the 'V' key is pressed.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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- The on-line tutorial leads you through the process of building your
- first base. At present there is no digitized speech to accompany the
- design sequence. This will be added later, along with two other
- tutorials dealing with map navigation and combat.
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- Mouse controls are intuitive and use both left and right mouse
- button clicks. We recommend that you play the on-line tutorial
- before playing the demo to learn how the interface works.
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- By holding down the right mouse button and dragging the view you
- can rotate and tilt the game world.
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- Warzone 2100 uses a 3-part component sequence to design vehicles. The
- demo has 1 body, 3 propulsions, 4 weapons, and 3 other
- systems available. Each component type has different characteristics:
- Light Body Viper lightly armored, low weight scout body
- Wheels High speed, low protection
- Halftracks Medium speed, average protection
- Tracks Slow speed, high protection
- Machinegun Good against infantry and lightly armored targets
- Less effective against heavily armored targets
- Flamer Excellent against bunkers and emplacments
- Vulnerable to enemy fire - use for hit and run attacks
- Light Mortar Indirect fire weapon - best assigned to a sensor
- Most effective against soft targets and infantry
- Least effective against bunkers
- Vulnerable to enemy fire
- Light Cannon Most effective against heavily armored targets
- Sensor Detects enemies from a long distance
- Repair Turret Automatically repairs damaged units
- Constructor Builds and repairs structures
- Indirect Fire Weapons
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Indirect fire weapons lob shells over friendly troops,
- structures, and even over hills. However, they must be able
- to see what they are firing at. When attached to a sensor, indirect
- fire weapons can shoot at targets that the sensor can see.
- To attach indirect fire weapons to a sensor select the indirect fire
- weapons, then select the sensor. A sensor lock box appears to show
- that you are successful.
- Sensor Turrets
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- All attached indirect fire weapons fire at any target
- that you select as the sensor's target. The indirect fire weapons
- continue to fire until the target is destroyed, a new target is
- selected, or the sensor is destroyed.
- Sensor Tower: The tower automatically detects enemies in range
- and then orders any attached weapons to open fire at them.
- Power Generation
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Oil is extracted from oil pools by derricks, then converted into
- power by a power generator. The more oil pools attached the quicker
- power becomes available. The amount of power available appears at the
- bottom of the screen.
- Power is used to build structures, manufacture units, and conduct
- research. Power is drawn as soon as unit or research topic is assigned.
- This is shown as a green bar. When enough power has been drawn the
- activity starts. This is shown as a yellow progress bar.
- Factory Delivery Points
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- These can be moved as follows:
- Left click it to select and move it
- Left click on the Delivery Point Icon on the factory build menu.
- Fast Find Mechanisms
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- Factories, Research Facilities and Trucks all appear in the fast find bar
- at the bottom of the screen. Left clicking any of the bottom icons moves
- the 3D view to the obejct's position in the world. Left clicking again
- returns the view to its original position.
- Right clicking on a factory icon takes you to the location of the
- factory's delivery point.
- Right clicking a factory's delivery point in the 3D view takes you to
- the location of the factory.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Right click on any unit to open the Command Console - see
- Keyboard controls for details of how it works.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- By hitting the spacebar you lock the camera to selected unit(s). As
- the units move, the camera moves with them. Hit the spacebar
- again to cancel the track camera.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Drag select a number of vehicles. Now try assigning groups using the Ctrl
- key with a number. Press the number once to select the group, twice to
- jump to it.
- Track one of the groups using spacebar, then switch to another group by
- hitting its group number twice. Watch as the camera pans between them!
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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- Command Console
- Insert Open Command Console
- S Short Range
- L Long Range
- D Default Range
- < Retreat at Medium Damage
- > Retreat at Heavy Damage
- / Never Retreat
- F Fire-at-Will
- E Engage - Return Fire
- C Cease Fire
- G Guard Position
- P Pursue
- Q Patrol
- H Go Home - Command Center/LZ
- R Go for Repair
- CTRL+R Recycle
- Group Assignment
- (# = numeric key)
- Ctrl + # Assigns selected group
- # Selects assigned group
- ## Centers on selected group
- Unit Selection Keys
- CTRL+S Select all units on screen
- CTRL+Z Selects all units of this selected
- type
- CTRL+V Selects all VTOLs
- CTRL+H Selects all Hovers
- CTRL+W Selects all Wheels
- CTRL+T Selects all Tracks
- CTRL+F Selects all Half-Tracks
- CTRL+A Selects all combat units
- Terrain Marker
- B Center view on Command Center
- Set Waypoints
- Hold Shift & click in world Sets waypoints
- Display Controls
- ESC In-Game Menu
- F1 Manufacture
- F2 Research
- F3 Build
- F4 Design
- F5 Intelligence
- F6 Commanders
- F7 Radar On/Off
- F8 Message Console On/Off
- F9 Unit Health Bars On/Off
- F10 Dump 3DFX Screenshot to Data
- Directory
- F11 Replay Last Speech Message
- F12 Pause/Unpause
- Map Controls
- Cursor Keys Scroll view
- Numeric Keypad
- 2 Tilts view down
- 4 Rotates left
- 5 Restores default pitch
- 6 Rotates right
- 8 Tilts view up
- + Zooms view
- - Unzooms view
- Other Keys
- Esc Quit game
- Backspace Restores screen view to North
- Tab Toggles Menu Displays
- Track Mode
- Spacebar Engages Track Mode
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- DX6
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- Warzone 2100 requires DirectX 6 to run.
- Please visit www.microsoft.com/directx to get the latest version.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
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- Warzone 2100 presently has three different rendering kernels;
- software, Glide and Direct3D. These can be selected from the Start Menu.
- We do not recommend you use the software only version at this time, as
- it is not yet complete.
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- There are a number of known issues still to be resolved:-
- i) The routing (path finding) code is yet to be finalised and as such,
- it's possible that units will on occasion get stuck against each other
- and the terrain.
- ii) The transporter shadow does not work well on some video cards
- (flickers).
- iii) There are still some polygon sorting issues to be fixed in the
- display of the components that go together to make up the
- buildings and units. Some are polygon bias problems and some
- (especially in software) are because some of the components have
- yet to be put through the BSP tool.
- iv) Line of sight. Some of the weapons will fire through the edges
- of the terrain - cliffs, drop-offs etc....
- v) Tracking camera. The automatic camera tracking can sometimes
- become confused when shifting from tracking large numbers of
- units to small numbers of units. It is intended that most aspects of
- the camera tracking will be fully customisable (thereby minimising
- these effects) by the player for the full release of WarZone 2100.
- vi) Key mappings. The key bindings in the full release version of
- Warzone 2100 will be redefinable. There will also be an option to
- customise the RMB 'mouselook' function. These mappings will
- then be saved out in a .config file.
- vii) The full release will contain the option to manually drive any
- individual unit around the world (as in the PlayStation version)
- using the PC cursor keys. Other units in the same group will then
- follow.
- viii) Texture distortion. In some of the higher resolutions (see
- below), the textures on in-game objects can be distorted at the edge
- of the screen. This will be corrected for the final version.
- ix) Video card compatibility.
- Full-release Warzone 2100 will work on all video cards compatible
- with the Glide or Direct3D (Direct X6) APIs.
- a) Presently there are some problems with some Voodoo cards
- (Rush and Banshee), as well as the Voodoo 2 when used in
- SLI setup (2*Voodoo 2).
- b) Cards with low amounts of texture memory(<=4Mb) may see a
- degradation in the quality of the textures, and experience
- some missing textures.
- c) PowerVR cards are not currently supported.
- d) DX5 drivers under DX6 may give strange results such as warped text.
- Try obtaining the latest DX6 driver from your manufacturer.
- Warzone 2100 will hopefully ship with the latest drivers for your card.
- e) D3D Cards with Manual Texel-Alignment Options should be set to Upper-Left.
- f) D3D Cards with Manual Mip-Mapping settings should be set to off or 0 levels.
- x) Gamma correction. It is possible to adjust the gamma correction
- level within the game through the game options, accessible by
- pressing ESC. This is still not implemented across all video cards
- and environment variable setups.
- xi) Factory delivery points. The mechanism by which this works and the
- validation procedure that checks whether user-selected locations are
- viable is yet to be fully implemented. It is therefore up to the user
- to decide on what makes a chosen location 'sensible'.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- This option has not yet been fully implemented, but it is possible to
- play Warzone 2100 as it stands in higher resolutions than 640*480.
- At the moment, the preferred resolution is specified as a command
- line parameter. This will ultimately be an in-game menu choice.
- Only the width (x) parameter needs to be typed in. For instance to
- select 800*600, run the Warzone .exe with a '-800' parameter.
- Presently, there are some limitations to this. (And all resolutions
- are governed and restricted by available memory).
- Glide
- Voodoo 1 owners may only use 640*480 (default).
- Voodoo 2 may use default and '-800' option to get 800*600.
- Software
- 800*600 '-800'
- 960*720 '-960'
- 1024*768 '-1024'
- 1152*864 '-1152'
- 1280*1024 '-1280'
- Direct 3D
- Only 640*480 presently, although many higher resolutions will be
- available in the full release.
- In all of the higher resolution modes, across all rendering modes,
- the front end interface and video playback will (for this version)
- be centered on the screen, as opposed to being stretched.
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